Hello, Nonprofit Leadership Folks!

We are excited to partner and bring you grant writing & nonprofit resources!

Grant Writing & Funding Resources to Grow Your Nonprofit's Revenue with Ease.

Free Grant Writing Class:

How to Write a Winning Grant with 7 Proven Steps

You will have 72 hours to complete this free class

As an Executive Leader at a nonprofit, you need a clear system so you can write high-quality grants quickly. After all, you have a nonprofit to lead and manage.

Get the proven 7 steps to overcome overwhelm and uncover the tips and hacks to write winning grants.

You will get the grant writing system that has helped Holly secure more than $25 million in grant funding and students earn more than $100,000,000 in funding for nonprofits around the world!

Instantly Available, with a Limited-Time Offer



You'll have 72 hours to complete the free class!

What you'll learn in this Free Grant Writing Class:

1: First

Get Holly's secret on how to instantly score higher on a grant application AND stop staring at a blank screen. This is magic sauce that she has learned from nearly 20 years of writing & reviewing grants applications.

2: Second

You don't need an MA in English to write a grant, but you do need to know this system to get clarity on how to write high-quality grants quickly. Holly gives you 7 golden tips to write the technical section of a grant application.

3: Third

Learn how grant reviewers score the budget: Most grant writers wait until the end to write a budget. Don't do this! Holly shows you how to ensure your budget is driven from your project and aligns with your narrative. No more mission drifting!

Watch NOW and you will Get a FREE Action Workbook!


Meet Holly.

Hi! I'm Holly Rustick, founder of Grant Writing & Funding, and I coach changemakers to write grants with ease.

I have been writing grants for nearly 20 years, immersing myself in the grant world where I have secured millions of dollars for nonprofits around the world! I am also an Amazon bestselling author,
podcast host of Grant Writing & Funding.

I've been on both sides of the grant writing coin – writing them and winning grants as well as managing and reviewing them on behalf of numerous organizations. Using this experience, I have created an extensive database of grant writing and funding-related online courses.

I hold a Master’s Degree in International Political Economy and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. I have also served as a professor, President of the Guam Women's Chamber of Commerce, and on many different nonprofit board of directors.

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