Free 5-Step Checklist: Become a Freelance Grant Writer today!

Get Your First Paying Nonprofit Client!

freelance grant writing

Our spicy belief is that all grant writers should start a business, even if it’s part-time.

Why? With inflation, getting fired, layoffs, and restrictive and toxic job environments, the only thing that is secure is YOU and your skill.  With 82% of grant writers being female, we believe that the pivot towards entrepreneurship can dramatically change the balance of power, improve lives, and positively impact communities. 

Plus, there are a TON of nonprofit organizations out there – 1.7 million registered in the United States alone. With the nonprofit industry being the fastest growing industry in America, you WILL get nonprofit clients as a grant writing consultant.

What You Get Inside the 5-Step Become a Freelance Grant Writer Checklist

1: Articulate Your Revenue Goal

Get clarity on what a sustainable business goal and revenue goal is for your new grant writing business. If you want to earn $100,000, this will show you what grant writing services to offer to reach that goal.

2: Identify Your Ideal Nonprofit Client

There are more than 1.7 million nonprofits in the United States alone! There aren’t that many grant writer, but all nonprofits need a grant writer. Find out how to niche down and identify who your ideal nonprofit client is!

3: Find out if You are a Generalist or Specialist

Get laser-focused on what types of services you need to offer to your ideal client. You will get crystal clear on if you should lean towards being a generalist or a specialist, and how this vital decision will drive your marketing and sales and increase your conversion rates!