Double your Grant Writing Business Revenue, by Writing Fewer Grants, During any Administration.


4pm - 5:30 pm EST


Tuesday, March 25th 

A 12-Month Group Coaching Mastermind for Grant Professionals.

Double Your Business Revenue with a Team, Systems, and Scalable Offers - without Burning Out.

Register for the webinar

I tripled my revenue in less than 6 months

 "By joining the Grant Professional Mentorship, I now have systems that helped me triple my income in less than six months! In this time, I even redefined my ideal client and now these ideal clients are MY clients. Plus, I did the $10K challenge and secured $10K in 10 days!"


"I raised my prices and pitch with confidence"

 "Holly's guidance and mentorship while I was growing my newish grant consulting practice was invaluable! The group format providing feedback and idea-sharing with others in a similar position has helped me pitch new clients with greater confidence, more effectively screen prospective clients, and raise my fees by articulating the value I provide."


I don't back down on pricing any longer

 "The Grant Professional Mentorship is where I met Kim and we are now working together to get clients at our top rates! We don't back down on pricing any longer and have each other to support in bids!"


Is this you?

You have some revenue coming in, but it’s not increasing at the speed you want. You aren’t sure how to manage a team to have more profit in your business without working more.

You know that hiring a grant writer, a virtual assistant, or someone to help would make all the difference. But you aren’t sure what to charge, how to manage them well, or how to keep a profit

You’re growing a business, but you are burned out.
You started this business for more freedom in your schedule, but now find yourself working more than ever.

You started a grant writing business and have income but getting clients is still a hamster wheel, and you feel like you are living contract to contract. 

Or maybe you are a combination of all 4.





You’re Burned Out.

You’re Stuck.

You’re Anxious.

You're Confused.

Our Streamline System Framework will help your operations so you have more peace and profit while you scale. You will develop clear SOPs, Systems, and Processes to give yourself boundaries.

***If you are only thinking about starting a grant writing business or have NO income yet, then check out our Freelance Grant Writer Academy.

When you apply our Mentorship’s Curriculum and Coaching…

You will finally be able to run your business as an industry leader. You will learn how to run 5-figure workshops, on-demand grant writing courses, and stand out as an industry trainer and coach in the industry with our Scalable Offers Training.

You will get our Part-Time Lean Team Method to get out of the ‘stuck in a rock and a hard place’ with the money to hire. You’ll learn who to hire first, how to manage them, and how much your business can afford to pay.

You can double, triple, or quadruple your revenue in 12 months without writing more grants. 

You will keep client intimacy and quality as you scale with our Business Quality System. We show you how to double your revenue while improving relationships without sacrificing client intimacy & quality. 

Register for the webinar

What is included in our Mentorship

Having CEO Systems means you have the processes to think about your business and stop only writing grants in your business. Without the CEO Systems, you will fall short of scaling your business because every task is in your mind, scattered on separate folders/workspaces, or customized each time you do it. 

This is the magic that will give you the time to focus ON your business and step into the fullness of being a Business Owner. Our Streamline System Framework gives you the processes, philosophies, and templates to create rinse and repeat systems to run your business with ease. Your business is an evolution and when you have systems and SOPs in place, you can easily tweak processes instead of starting from scratch. 

  • Save Time - From your onboarding clients to onboarding grant writers, you have systems that do the work for you.

  • Have Quality Control - when you have SOPs and Systems in your business, you create more time. With this time, you can stop doing constantly and start pausing to have second eyes on that grant, send invoices on time, or give feedback on social media content instead of creating it from scratch.

  • Be Financially Safe - your income is variable, but you do not need to feel unsafe. When you scale your business, you can create safety with finances, allocate for business investments, and savings.

  • Feel Abundant - Get relief as you scale a business that has flow instead of getting stuck in paralysis of indecision.

With the Streamline System Framework, you will:

CEO systems

So many grant professionals feel safe working by themselves and aren’t sure where they can even find the time to think about hiring, and figure it takes longer to train someone rather than doing it themselves.

We help you overcome these worries and give you the tools to:

1) know how much your business can afford,
2) who to hire first,
3) how to delegate with a team member so you act neutrally, and
4) what to focus on in your business with your time. You will learn our Part-Time Lean Team Method - whether that means getting one part-time virtual assistant or managing a larger grant writer agency. You will repeat our method with every new hire as your grant writing business grows.

  • Stop the Grind - Stop doing all the administrative tasks in your business.

  • Shift your business from 24/7 burnout of doing all the things into having CEO confidence and more peace.

  • Have all the resources to learn how to hire, automate systems, eliminate unproductive tasks, and create a streamlined and profitable business.

  • Take Time off in your business! Stop working weekends and evenings and start planning for time off. This is the reason you started a grant writing business. Now start living it.

With the Part-Time Lean Team Method, you will:

Grant Team

Get that excitement back about your business and out of overwhelm. It’s time to take the time to reflect on your grant writing services and prune what’s not working and nurture what is. In our Quality Business System you will go through our Business Reset Workshop and identify what is working and what is not working in your business. 

You will also reflect on your pricing, using our Value-Based Pricing Method, and also evaluate which type of retainer package is best for cash flow in your business. 

  • Get Clarity - You started your business with a ‘why’ and it’s time to return to that ‘why’ and make it real in your business and life.

  • Have More Joy - Enjoy the parts of your business that you love, while learning how to efficiently outsource what you do not love or that is draining your energy.

  • Increase Quality - Keep your clients close, even when narrowing down your offers. You can have better client quality and intimacy, even if you hire a grant writer, because you have time to focus on your business.

With the Quality Business System, you will:

Quality Services

Getting consistent cash flow through client services isn’t your only way to scale offers. Because you are growing your company and your expertise in your community and cause area, you can also build scaling offers such as training, workshops, and courses. 

  • Create 5-Figure Grant Writing Workshops/Trainings - elevate your position as an expert in your grant writing cause area and community and create an additional income. Holly gives you behind the scenes to her consistent 5-figure workshops that have brought in more than 6-figures into her business.

  • Create On-Demand Grant Courses - translate your skills into an online course with a clear framework on how Holly has created multi 6-figures in her business

  • Grant Marketing Plans - learn lead generation, opt-ins, and more on your online presence and a go-to guide for your in-person community to scale your offerings.

  • Legacy - Create a legacy of a business by improving your scaling offers so your business can run without you and even be sold.

With the Scaling Offers System, you will:

Scaling Offers

About Holly Rustick, CEO of Grant Writing & Funding

Holly Rustick is a world-renowned grant writing expert and Amazon bestselling author.

“I have a mission to create a community where grant professionals have peace and profit.” ~ Holly Rustick

Holly has been coaching grant writers how to run successful 5-6 figure businesses since 2017.

With two decades of grant writing and nonprofit experience, Holly is a popular keynote speaker for events all over the world, podcast host of the Top-Ranked Grant Writing podcast, a former university instructor, and is past president of the Guam Women’s Chamber of Commerce. She is constantly booked out to run trainings to help grant writers grow capacity, increase funding, and advance mission.

Register for the webinar

I tripled my revenue and doubled my clients

"The Grant Professional Mentorship has helped me triple my revenue and double my clients. I love how it gave me systems to niche down, how it's reflected on my website, and how it reflects in my marketing. This has made it easier to then come up with my plan for the year."


I now make more money than my full-time job

"Business is amazing—thanks to YOU! I've kept my full-time salaried job, but I now make more as a consultant. My life has COMPLETELY changed thanks to you, the resources you've provided, and the community you've fostered. I feel like such a rock star and I know the best is yet to come. I am so, so grateful for you, Holly."


I tripled my revenue in less than 6 months

"I tripled my revenue in six months and I love my business! Work doesn't dominate everything because I have a scheduled system in place. Those systems enable me to do what I do now. I may update them, but I’m not reinventing the wheel and I have templates for everything."


Do you want to have thousands of people see your company for hire every single month? You can get listed under our Grant Writer for Hire Directory. Even if you have had your business for awhile, you still might not have a website. It takes time to gain SEO and get traffic to your website, LinkedIn handle, and more. Leveraging our website that gets thousands of views every single month is a fantastic way to leverage traffic that already comes to our website! This has helped many in our Mentorship gain clients and get leads!

Be Listed in the Grant Writer for Hire Directory

Inside the Grant Professional Mentorship Mastermind

You get coaching at the highest level and also hear other people get coached. This feedback is VITAL in driving forward and implementing the curriculum in our portal because you will get feedback on how you have adapted the concepts, templates, and resources to your particular business.

Every week you get an opportunity to ask any business question and get direct feedback. Together, mentees have developed webinars, bid on contracts, and have subcontracted one another. Plus, some have become lifelong friends! Additionally, we sometimes invite expert guest coaches into our calls.

We also integrate quarterly accountability calls, live masterclasses, our quarterly book club, and more.

We have replays on a Private Podcast and videos inside the Mentorship Portal so you can catch any replay while you are on the go.

Group Coaching Mastermind

The Orientation Business Reset Meeting will reposition your business so you can finally prioritize your business and start working ON it.

At the Welcome Orientation Business Reset Meeting, we will:
  • Identify Your Ideal Service Triad: Create clarity and dedicate space to think about your business, offerings, and the way you want to operate in your business.
  • Create Your Unique Industry Concept: Rewrite your service offering and evaluate what is bringing in the most profit into your business.
  • Articulate Your Service Offer Promise: Get clear on what your delivery promise is to your clients. This creates confidence in communicating with your clients and leads.
  • Outline a year end strategy: It’s time to start gearing up for your holiday break without taking your computer and writing last minute grants.
  • Meet you other cohort members!

Welcome Orientation Business Reset Meeting

You’re going to learn all of our systems: CEO Systems, Quality Business System, Part-Time Lean Team Method, and Scaling Offers System. As you go through these systems, you will get the frameworks, processes, and templates to have the tools to enable you to double your revenue in your business and rest in the boundaries that are created to protect your time from your clients. You will learn Holly’s unique approach that has helped grant writers in their growing businesses double and triple their revenue while working less.

Snapshots of specific curriculum:

  • Systems to Hire and Delegate
  • SOPs Templates and Samples
  • Business Systems Reset
  • Service Offer Promise Training
  • Create Calendar Space and Take a Vacation
  • Optimizing Lead Magnets and Funnels
  • Behind-the-Scenes of Holly’s $43,220 grant workshop
  • 5-Figure Grant Workshops
  • 6-Figure Online Grant Courses
  • Policies for Boundaries
  • Creating Courses that Sell
  • Marketing Plan
  • Managing Your Variable Income
  • Value-Based Pricing that will get your from Hourly Pricing to Retainers
  • And much, much more

Mentorship Curriculum

You will be able to ask any business, mindset, hiring, etc. question on a daily basis in our Private Slack Channel. You will receive coaching from Holly and your peers inside this channel and also be able to ask for feedback on your business! This will also give you an opportunity to connect with other members, share your business wins, and more so you can get over decision paralysis.

Daily Slack Coaching

The Grant Writing & Funding podcast is the top-ranked grant writing podcast on all platforms and as of 2024 has more than 560,000+ listens. We feature folks from the Grant Professional Mentorship on the Grant Writing & Funding podcast so nonprofits can hear about your unique services. This is an amazing opportunity to share some of your expert skills with thousands of nonprofit organizations and get ears on your business!

Be Featured on The Grant Writing & Funding Podcast

In addition to our regular live Zoom coaching calls and Slack channel, you will get personalized feedback reviews as you go through the Mentorship Curriculum. As you go through the curriculum, you will be asked to submit your individualized plan. We will then review it and record a loom video or written feedback and send it back to you. 

Here are the specific Business Feedback Reviews:

SOP Reviews - You will go through the CEO Systems and then submit your personalized SOPs for all your processes. You can submit any SOPs that you have developed for us to review and help create more streamlined systems.We will look over to see your SOPs and give personalized feedback through a loom video or written notes. Each time you develop new SOPs, you can submit them for review. 

Quality Business Plan: You will go through the Quality Business System curriculum and then be able to submit your current service offers for review and your policies. This is important to refine what is currently bringing in cash flow into your business and then policies to protect those offers. You will also create a quarterly plan to submit for review. We will look over to see your Service Offer (prices, duration, and marketing) and your Quarterly Plans and give personalized feedback through a loom video or written notes. 

Part-Time Lean Team Method Plan - You will go through the Part-Time Lean Team Method Curriculum and then fill out the accompanying questions and personalize your plan to hire a team member. Then you will submit it for review. We will look over to see your job description, test project, and cashflow for your position and give feedback. Each time you are thinking about bringing on a team member, you can submit your Part-Time Lean Team Method Plan for review.

Scaling Offers Plan: You will go through the Scaling Offer System curriculum and develop a new, scaling offer. You will submit your scaling offer for review (workshop or course and marketing plan) and we will give personalized feedback through a loom video or written notes. Each time you develop a new scaling offer, you can submit them for review. 

Personalized Business Feedback Reviews


Register for the webinar

I got a 4-month retainer client at my highest rate

"The Grant Professional Mentorship has given me the systems and processes to get a 4-month retainer client at higher prices! Plus, I'm getting referrals by being on the GW&F website!"


I launched my grant writing business!

"The mentorship program has provided the business framework and affirmation that my professional skills are needed in the non-profit world. It is “the thing” that encouraged me to launch my business in 2021."


I built confidence and a brand for my business

"By attending the “Hot Seat” sessions, I am challenged to share grant writing concerns and set new goals for my practice. The partners in the group introduce great ideas that help me build my confidence and brand!"


I've increased my grant writing skills

"I have improved my writing and promotional skills with feedback from Holly and the members. I enjoy sharing my work and getting feedback from others in the Grant Professional Mentorship. This has helped me improve my grant writing ability and increased my confidence."


My business system improved

 "With Holly’s coaching and sharing ideas with others in the group, my overall consulting business has improved tremendously, and I’m confident about my current and future pricing structure. Thank you so much, Holly!"


I got a client from being listed on the GW&F website

 "I have learned so much with this group. Everyone is open with challenges and we all offer solutions. We are not in competition with each other we cheer each other on. This is all due to the environment and leadership of Holly. Plus, I got a client from being listed on Holly's website!"


I tripled my prices & got 4 clients in 2 months!

"Thanks to the mentorship I have the confidence and tools to grow my business, get more clients and increase my income. I’ve tripled my prices and been able to secure four clients for 10,000 USD in just two months!"


I got my first 2 clients & increased my prices

"By taking on the challenges presented in the mentorship program I now have 2 clients and working to get 3 clients by the end of the year. My prices have increased along with securing a retainer from one of the clients."


"I was selected to serve on a board of directors

"The Grant Professional Mentorship has helped me grow my business and I now have a website and was selected to serve on a board of directors!"


I'm now winning $500,000+ grants

 "By joining the Grant Professional Mentorship, Ale and I found that we come from the conservation grant background so developed our FIRST webinar together for "Grants for Farmers" and got people registered! Plus, I'm now winning $500,000+ grants for my clients because I am focusing on my ideal niche area."


In one month I won 2 grants in the total of $85K!


I have now reviewed 50 grants

"The Grant Professional Mentorship has helped me to land 2 grant reviewing opportunities where I have now reviewed 50 grants! The mentorship has been phenomenal... I love Book Club because the books are actionable. Plus, the templates and resources have proven to be both time-saving and effective, allowing me to streamline her grant writing process and have significant growth in my business."


How Brian Scaled from $300k - $650k in 8 Months

Kim renewed with a new service

Cheri Increased Her Prices & Got Her First Retainer Client

Alejandra Tripled Her Prices & Got 4 Clients in 2 Months

Chiara Increased her LinkedIn Traffic 6x & Raised Rates

Christine is a Grant Reviewer & Grew Her Business

Yvonne Got Grant Review Jobs & Streamlined Services

Kim Tripled Her Revenue in 6 Months

How Niki Developed a Team in the Mentorship To Take Vacations

Why Choose The Grant Professional Mentorship Mastermind?

#3: It’s 12 Months

We focus on our goals every single quarter and how they feed into your annual plan. If you are not evaluating your business, you will be stuck in a tailspin of burnout. You will be hopping between your website, pricing, social media, and checking your email (sometimes all in the same hour). No more.

When you join the Grant Professional Mentorship, you will be focused and have a supportive group to keep you accountable as you implement systems in your business throughout a full 12 months

#1: It’s for Scaling a Grant Writing Business

Our Freelance Grant Writer Academy helps you learn the skill of grant writing and to start a business. However, the Grant Professional Mentorship is for when you are ready to scale up your business, hire a part-time team, and to create 5-figure+ workshops and online courses. Nowhere else in the industry does this next-level type of program exist for grant professionals!

We coach on your specific issues as you scale a grant writing business, with issues like: “How much should I pay a grant writer to help me in my business?”
“How do I put together a curriculum and market a grant writing 101 online course?”
“How do I get nonprofit clients for my in-person grant workshops?”
And more…

Holly has 10 years of business experience scaling multi 6-figures as an agency owner, online grant course trainer, and in-person grant workshops. She gives you what you need to succeed. 

#2: It Has Feedback Loop Systems

The Grant Professional Mentorship gives you a step-by-step curriculum with specific plans to submit to get feedback for your business. 

In addition to our weekly live Zoom coaching calls, and the Daily Slack channel, we have prescribed formulas to submit when you have done each section of the curriculum. 

This creates accountability to go through the curriculum so you have a personalized roadmap for your business. 
You get will personalize feedback (via Loom videos or written) on your: 

Part-Time Lean Team Method Plan, SOP Reviews, Quality Business Plan, and Scaling Offers Plan (Grant Workshop or Online Course and Marketing Plan).

  • The Orientation Business Reset Meeting will reposition your business so you can finally prioritize your business and start working ON it.

  • Identify Your Ideal Service Triad: Create clarity and dedicate space to think about your business, offerings, and the way you want to operate in your business.
  • Create Your Unique Industry Concept: Rewrite your service offering and evaluate what is bringing in the most profit into your business.
  • Articulate Your Service Offer Promise: Get clear on what your delivery promise is to your clients. This creates confidence in communicating with your clients and leads.
  • Outline a year end strategy: It’s time to start gearing up for your holiday break without taking your computer and writing last minute grants.
  • Meet you other cohort members!

What you will do in the First 30 Days in the Grant Professional Mentorship

At the Welcome Orientation Business Reset Meeting, we will:

In the first 30 days, you will go through the Welcome Orientation Business Reset Meeting AND create a Quality Services Plan.

Your Quality Services Plan in the first 30-days

  • You will submit your current service offers for review and your policies. This is important to refine what is currently bringing in cash flow into your business and then policies to protect those offers. 

  • You will also create a quarterly plan to submit for review. We will look over to see your Service Offer (prices, duration, and marketing) and your Quarterly Plans and give personalized feedback through a loom video or written notes. 
You will get that excitement back about your business and out of overwhelm. It’s time to take the time to reflect on your grant writing services and prune what’s not working and nurture what is. In our Quality Business System you will go through our Business Reset Workshop and identify what is working and what is not working in your business. You will also reflect on your pricing, using our Value-Based Pricing Method, and also evaluate which type of retainer package is best for cash flow in your business. 

After your 30 days, within the next 90-Days you will create Your SOPs, Part-Time Team Hire, and Identify Your Scaling Offer.

To reach your goals of growing your revenue without increasing burnout for your grant writing business, you have to make a change.


I’ve spent nearly $100,000 and years of work to get the level of success I’m offering you with this program.

This is what you’ve been looking for: a proven system used by grant professionals that will allow you to grow your business revenue and impact without burning out.

Register for the webinar

The Investment


5 payments of

One payment of




For coaching, we meet weekly on Zoom and daily on a private Slack channel. For the curriculum, you get access to a beautiful platform where all curriculum is hosted, links to business reviews, and video replays of the coaching calls.

The curriculum, Slack Channel, and Business Reviews is released to the new cohort within a month of joining and you will have access to the curriculum for an entire 12 months from when you get access to the curriculum. Coaching calls and replays of coaching calls are available immediately. 


The Grant Professional Mentorship is for grant writers who already have some momentum in their businesses and are looking to scale with systems, a part-time team, and 5-figure+ workshops or an online grant writing course.

If you are new to grant writing or starting a grant writing business, we recommend you first start with the Freelance Grant Writer Academy.


For the Grant Professional Mentorship, Holly has included a lot of benefits!

This includes:

  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Personalized Business Feedback Reviews
  • Daily Private Slack Group
  • Guest Speakers who are thought-leaders in the nonprofit industry
  • Being listed on the Grant Writing & Funding Grant Writer for Hire Directory 
  • Guest Speaker on the Grant Writing & Funding Podcast
  • Systems to Hire and Delegate
  • SOPs Templates and Samples
  • Business Systems Reset
  • Service Offer Promise Training
  • Create Calendar Space and Take a Vacation
  • Optimizing Lead Magnets and Funnels
  • Behind-the-Scenes of Holly’s $43,220 grant workshop
  • 5-Figure Grant Workshops
  • 6-Figure Online Grant Courses
  • Policies for Boundaries
  • Creating Courses that Sell
  • Marketing Plan
  • Managing Your Variable Income
  • Value-Based Pricing that will get your from Hourly Pricing to Retainers
  • And much, much more


You have access to the Mentorship for a full 12-months once you enter the program.

You only have access to the courses and all benefits (including being listed on the GW&F website) if you are enrolled in the Grant Professional Mentorship.


It is important to know that you do need to invest time working ‘on’ your business. But when you do this it will help you eliminate ‘busy work’ and do efficient work that brings in revenue with taking the least amount of time. This is because you will be laser-focused on doing the important work in your business and having accountability that you are actually implementing it!

We meet weekly for 60 minutes for each call. You do not need to attend every call to get results. If you are not able to attend, you can always watch the replays in our portal or listen to them on your podcast player as a private podcast.

You are also able to get into Slack every day to ask questions, but do not need to be in there all the time.

The curriculum is broken down into 10-15 minutes so you can get through smaller sections in a shorter amount of time. Many mentees like to binge-watch over a weekend and then return to when submitting their plans. Others like to schedule it out quarter by quarter. 

Whether you are working full-time or run a business full-time you will be able to dedicate the time you need to get support in your business.


Once you get up to around $2,500-$3,000 per month in your grant writing business, then it’s a good time to start investing in the Grant Professional Mentorship program. However, that is not a hard number. If you know that you have clients coming in and want to start putting more hiring systems in place, then it’s a good time to join. 

The Freelance Grant Writer Academy gives you the step-by-step tools and resources to start and grow your business and is a GREAT additional resource.

However, the Grant Professional Mentorship is different in that it offers a different curriculum and with peers who are at a different level in their businesses. 

We do not teach grant writing (as we do in the Academy) and instead focus on 
Teaching SOPs, 
Hiring a Part-Time Team, 
Scaling Your Offers, 
Developing a 5-Figure Grant Workshop, 
Developing an Online Grant Writing Course, and 
Online Marketing Plan.
Business Reviews that focus on the Mentorship Curriculum

The Freelance Grant Writer Academy is an amazing course to get you kick-started, but the Grant Professional Mentorship keeps you going after the honeymoon phase has ended!

*There are no discounts to the Mentorship if you already own the Freelance Grant Writer Academy. 


Here at Grant Writing & Funding we have a no refund policy. Holly cares about the success of each and everyone of her students. She also cares about value of respecting one another’s time.

She encourages you to take the time to read the sales page and email her ( if you have any questions.

We are here to help if you need any assistance before and after joining the program.


You can always choose to leave the program, but you will not get reimbursed, and if you are under a payment plan you will not get future payments voided. You are under contract for the entire 12 months. 

This is not a membership, but it is a commitment and investment into a 12-month coaching program.


We put a substantial amount of resources, time, energy, and money into our programs and have no discounts or scholarships available at this time.


For coaching, we meet weekly on Zoom and daily on a private Slack channel. For the curriculum, you get access to a beautiful platform where all curriculum is hosted, links to business reviews, and video replays of the coaching calls.
The curriculum, Slack Channel, and Business Reviews is released to the new cohort within a month of joining and you will have access to the curriculum for an entire 12 months from when you get access to the curriculum. Coaching calls and replays of coaching calls are available immediately. 



The Grant Professional Mentorship is for grant writers who already have some momentum in their businesses and are looking to scale with systems, a part-time team, and 5-figure+ workshops or an online grant writing course.

If you are new to grant writing or starting a grant writing business, we recommend you first start with the Freelance Grant Writer Academy.



For the Grant Professional Mentorship, Holly has included a lot of benefits!

This includes:

  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Personalized Business Feedback Reviews
  • Daily Private Slack Group
  • Guest Speakers who are thought-leaders in the nonprofit industry
  • Being listed on the Grant Writing & Funding Grant Writer for Hire Directory 
  • Guest Speaker on the Grant Writing & Funding Podcast
  • Systems to Hire and Delegate
  • SOPs Templates and Samples
  • Business Systems Reset
  • Service Offer Promise Training
  • Create Calendar Space and Take a Vacation
  • Optimizing Lead Magnets and Funnels
  • Behind-the-Scenes of Holly’s $43,220 grant workshop
  • 5-Figure Grant Workshops
  • 6-Figure Online Grant Courses
  • Policies for Boundaries
  • Creating Courses that Sell
  • Marketing Plan
  • Managing Your Variable Income
  • Value-Based Pricing that will get your from Hourly Pricing to Retainers
  • And much, much more



You have access to the Mentorship for a full 12-months once you enter the program.

You only have access to the courses and all benefits (including being listed on the GW&F website) if you are enrolled in the Grant Professional Mentorship.



It is important to know that you do need to invest time working ‘on’ your business. But when you do this it will help you eliminate ‘busy work’ and do efficient work that brings in revenue with taking the least amount of time. This is because you will be laser-focused on doing the important work in your business and having accountability that you are actually implementing it!

We meet weekly for 60 minutes for each call. You do not need to attend every call to get results. If you are not able to attend, you can always watch the replays in our portal or listen to them on your podcast player as a private podcast.

You are also able to get into Slack every day to ask questions, but do not need to be in there all the time.

The curriculum is broken down into 10-15 minutes so you can get through smaller sections in a shorter amount of time. Many mentees like to binge-watch over a weekend and then return to when submitting their plans. Others like to schedule it out quarter by quarter. 

Whether you are working full-time or run a business full-time you will be able to dedicate the time you need to get support in your business.



Once you get up to around $2,500-$3,000 per month in your grant writing business, then it’s a good time to start investing in the Grant Professional Mentorship program. However, that is not a hard number. If you know that you have clients coming in and want to start putting more hiring systems in place, then it’s a good time to join. 

The Freelance Grant Writer Academy gives you the step-by-step tools and resources to start and grow your business and is a GREAT additional resource.

However, the Grant Professional Mentorship is different in that it offers a different curriculum and with peers who are at a different level in their businesses. 

We do not teach grant writing (as we do in the Academy) and instead focus on 
Teaching SOPs, 
Hiring a Part-Time Team, 
Scaling Your Offers, 
Developing a 5-Figure Grant Workshop, 
Developing an Online Grant Writing Course, and 
Online Marketing Plan.
Business Reviews that focus on the Mentorship Curriculum

The Freelance Grant Writer Academy is an amazing course to get you kick-started, but the Grant Professional Mentorship keeps you going after the honeymoon phase has ended!

*There are no discounts to the Mentorship if you already own the Freelance Grant Writer Academy. 

The Freelance Grant Writer Academy gives you the step-by-step tools and resources to start and grow your business and is a GREAT additional resource.

However, how the Grant Professional Mentorship is different in that it is a long-term accountability and feedback program to keep your momentum going! The Freelance Grant Writer Academy is an amazing course to get you kick-started, but the Grant Professional Mentorship keeps you going after the honeymoon phase has ended!

*There are no discounts to the Mentorship if you already own the Grant Writing Master Course, the Freelance Grant Writer Academy, or the Nonprofit Strategic Planning Master course. The Mentorship program without these is worth more than $5,000 and these are just additional courses to help you succeed!



Here at Grant Writing & Funding we have a no refund policy. Holly cares about the success of each and everyone of her students. She also cares about value of respecting one another’s time.

She encourages you to take the time to read the sales page and email her ( if you have any questions.

We are here to help if you need any assistance before and after joining the program.



You can always choose to leave the program, but you will not get reimbursed, and if you are under a payment plan you will not get future payments voided. You are under contract for the entire 12 months. 

This is not a membership, but it is a commitment and investment into a 12-month coaching program.

When you consider joining, know that your investment and commitment for 12 months is what will make your business grow in leaps and strides!

Therefore, we want you to commit to invest in your business and this community for the year.

Having an option out isn’t real commitment. But putting some ‘skin in the game’ guarantees a higher level of growth in your time, energy and the real impact: your financial growth.

We offer a 12-month payment plan to assist you with your budget while growing your freelance grant writing business!


Can I cancel at any time?

We put a substantial amount of resources, time, energy, and money into our programs and have no discounts or scholarships available at this time.

Do you offer scholarships or discounts?




Double your Grant Writing Business Revenue, by Writing Fewer Grants, During any Administration.