Double your Grant Writing Business Revenue, by Writing Fewer Grants, During any Administration.


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Create a $250K grant writing business, with other offers, regardless of politics.


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Tuesday, March 25th 
4pm - 5:30 pm EST


Burned out grant consultants who want to have support in their grant writing services and scale their businesses.

(you are tired of doing it all by yourself, but unsure how you could delegate ANYTHING and maintain quality)

This webinar is for

Freelance grant writers who want systems in your business so you stop working evenings and weekends. 

(you started a business to have more free time, but grew too fast)
Freelance grant writers who are looking to increase their credibility and provide training in their communities and get clients or another source of revenue.

(you have a well-oiled grant service machine, but need to scale with other revenue - regardless of politics)
Grant agency owners who want to double your grant writing revenue. You've hit a plateau and aren't sure how to get to the tipping point without working more.
(you need more time in your schedule to grow your business but it's a catch 22)

Double Your Business Revenue with a Team, Systems, and Scalable Offers - without Burning Out.

Passive Income & training

  • 5-figure Grant Writing Training that Creates Credibility and a Funnel to Agency Sales 
  • Set Up an Online Course in 60-minutes


You wish you could clone yourself and that would solve all your growth problems. Our Streamline System Framework will help your operations so you have more peace and profit while you scale.

peaceful systems


Part-time team

You feel stuck between a rock and a hard place right now with the money to hire a virtual assistant or part-time grant writer. We will talk about our Lean PT Team Method. 


You shouldn’t be the only one writing grants in your business.

About Holly Rustick

Grant Writing Coach & CEO

Holly Rustick is a world-renowned grant writing expert and Amazon bestselling author. Holly has been coaching grant writers how to run successful multi, 6-figure businesses since 2017.

Students in the Grant Professional Mentorship are consistently increasing their income, while working fewer hours in their grant writing businesses. We focus on doubling revenue while feeling and BEING the CEO of your company.

With two decades of grant writing and nonprofit experience, Holly is a popular keynote speaker for events all over the world, podcast host of the Top-Ranked Grant Writing podcast, and is past president of the Guam Women’s Chamber of Commerce. 

Holly has also secured more than $1 million in online sales and grant training. In the Mentorship, she gives all her strategies and shows you behind-the-scenes in her business.  

I tripled my revenue in less than 6 months

 "By joining the Grant Professional Mentorship, I now have systems that helped me triple my income in less than six months! In this time, I even redefined my ideal client and now these ideal clients are MY clients. Plus, I did the $10K challenge and secured $10K in 10 days!"


I don't back down on pricing any longer

 "The Grant Professional Mentorship is where I met Kim and we are now working together to get clients at our top rates! We don't back down on pricing any longer and have each other to support in bids!"


Project-Based Pricing Increased My Revenue

"Moving away from not-to-exceed contracts to project based costs resulted in $7,500 in additional revenue over two months!"

Fielding J., federal grant consultant

I Tripled My Revenue in 6 Months

"I tripled my revenue in six months and I love my business! Work doesn't dominate everything because I have a scheduled system in place. Those systems enable me to do what I do now. I may update them, but I’m not reinventing the wheel and I have templates for everything."


We will go over everything on this NEW webinar.

I know you've put the work into starting a freelance grant writing business, but now that you have clients and income you feel like you need to work more to earn more - and you are burned out. 

The only way you can change the trajectory you are on is if you create and implement some core systems and add passive income streams to your business.

I know you. 

Grant Writer CEOS need to work ON their business and work fewer hours IN their business.

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