Unleashing Generosity: Exploring the Power of Donor Giving for Your Nonprofit with Emily Kelly of Bloomerang 

This episode, Emily Kelly explains how to create a donor management plan, use software to improve donor communication, and stay connected with your donors. 

Emily Kelly is Bloomerang’s National Accounts Manager, where she cultivates and preserves partnerships with new national nonprofit organizations, affiliates, and existing partners. 

Emily joins us to discuss how nonprofits can use donor management software, automate outbound donor calls, and improve donor retention. 

She also talks about how nonprofits lose donor information, how inflation is affecting the future of donor sponsorship, and the ways donor sponsorship is being restructured.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Different donor strategies and donor retention techniques. 
  • What donors can do for your nonprofit. 
  • Donor management software and how it can help manage donors. 
  • How nonprofits can automate the communication with their donors. 
  • How nonprofits lose institutional knowledge. 
  • The power of donors in your funding strategy and overall revenue. 
  • Why donor funding is better than grant funding. 
  • How inflation will affect the future of donor sponsorship. 
  • The ways donor sponsorship is being restructured. 
  • How to improve your outbound donor calls using software.