7 Grant Writing Tips to Increase Grant Funding

If you are looking to increase your grant writing skills to the next level, you are going to love these tips!

First off, do you already know how to write grants? If not, that’s okay! You might also want to refer to our article on the steps on drafting an effective grant application

In this article and podcast, I am going to go over some sidebar tips on grant writing that will increase your competitiveness for getting grant funding.

I’ve used these tips throughout my 16+ years of grant writing.

Grant Writing Tip #1

Go after funding opportunities based on how good of a fit they are for your programs, not only on how much money is available.

Sure, sometimes it may not be worth going after certain grants if they do not have the funding to support your program.

However, more often then not, I see nonprofit leaders just looking at how much money is available and then trying to fit their program into the funding source’s scope. This is referred to as chasing the money or mission drifting.

Your eyes might light up when you see all those zeroes in a grant announcement. However, this does not mean that the funding source is just pouring money out to anyone and everyone.

You will have better luck to secure grants when you apply for grants where you can show that your project is a good fit in one sentence. If you have to create complicated Venn diagrams and write more than a couple of sentences on why your project is a good fit, it probably isn’t a good fit after all.

tips for grant writers

Source: Instrumentl