The 10-Step Process to Facilitate Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

You’ve started to get prepared in the past, but you always get caught up in 24/7 virtual fires.

Nonprofit Strategic Planning is a process you’ve heard before, but you aren’t sure exactly what it means.

What and how do you actually do set a process for strategic plans for nonprofits?

That’s why I am going to go over a process to set up your annual planning via a step-by-step outline.

However, if you want the full breakdown to learn the process in a comprehensive way, including tons of downloadable, then you may want to check out the Nonprofit Strategic Planning Master Course!

Who is the strategic planning process for?

Nonprofit Leaders: This is for you if:

  • You are burned out of the same old fundraisers
  • You always miss the deadline for that ‘perfect’ grant
  • You are overwhelmed of putting out virtual fires everyday instead of focusing on GROWTH for your nonprofit

Freelance Consultants: This is for you if:

  • You are a consultant and want an easy-to-learn and easy-to-customize service to help those nonprofits get more funding
  • You want multiple streams of income
  • You want to learn clear action steps in a simple way that will make you the expert

Most nonprofits just do not set time aside for a planning process.

That is a huge flaw as Benjamin Franklin said,

“Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.”

However, I get it. You don’t even know where to start.

Maybe you scrape together a few YouTube videos and a variety of downloadables and have a 200-page manual you might just get around to. Of course, we know that leads to overwhelm, confusion, and lack of true direction.

In this article you are going to learn:

  • what all to include in your strategic planning,
  • how to roll it out, and h
  • ow it can benefit your nonprofit (or in the case of a freelance grant writer, the nonprofits you serve).

An Annual Strategic Planning Process helps to:

  • eliminate overwhelm,
  • burnout,
  • and straying from mission.

It also helps to:

  • increase sustainable income streams,
  • advances mission,
  • and in the case of freelance consultants adds another stream of income to your salary!